Dwarf Fortress Stories

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Dorf Rollercoaster Tycoon

23 July 2012, 07:24 Rating: 10 [+]

I can see it now.
Urist cancels ride rollercoaster: too intense.
Urist cancels ride rollercoaster: not paying that much.
Urist cancels leave park: wants to go on rollercoaster again.
Urist admires rollercoasters for their intensity. He has recently ridden on a really good value ride. He has recently endured disgusting paths. He recently hoped that they have good maintenance.
Urist has created "Raperape The surprise sex of Goblinfaeces", an adamantine rollercoaster!
The VIP Urist has come! A short, sturdy creature fond of rollercoasters with high excitement levels.
The Forgotten Beast RapeFaeces has come! A faeces monsters which menaces with spikes of faeces. Beware his discount tickets for your rides!
In 1050, Urist became obsessed with building the perfect rollercoaster.
In 1051, the god Faecesmurder cursed Urist with riding a rollercoaster for all eternity in Faecesfaeces The Faeces of Faeces.
The ride Raperape The surprise sex of Goblinfaeces has broken down: exit destroyed by Troll.

Tags: humor
